
Property experts in North West England

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McJessop Properties Ltd are property experts serving investors and sellers across North West England. Contact us today to find out more about our service and see what we can do to help you find high-quality investment opportunities.



If you’re looking to get into property investment but don’t have the capital to buy, then rent-to-rent could be a great way for you to get off the ground and make steady returns while you save. At McJessop Properties Ltd, our team can help potential investors find the right properties for rent-to-rent projects.

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  • rent-to-buy

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Rent to buy can be an effective way to get on the property ladder if you don’t have the deposit up front, and at McJessop Properties Ltd, we can help potential rent-to-buyers find opportunities in their area. Rent-to-buy schemes come with a range of caveats and regulations, so we can help you find the opportunity that is right for you and your budget.

Buy, refurbish, refinance

Buying property and increasing its value through refurbishment is a great way to be able to gain access to more finance. If you’re looking to buy, refurbish and refinance, our team can provide expert advice to help you create your strategy and ensure that your plan has the best chance of success.

  • home refurbishment

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